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Connections in a Field

O.K., so the heart breaks. What fills the gap
may not be sadness or joy, or the more elusive
understanding, but a scary and lucid acceptance--
scary because there it and you are, lucid

because not of this time or another,
particularly. An overlay, pervading,
transparent, is the literal of what we mean
when we say that a scene had tragic dimensions. And so,

much of the day the rain beat with tinny exuberance
on a shed with a rusty car. Thunder
rattled the hours, and what they were they were--
the cries of distant hounds or birds startled from the underbrush.
A goatlike smell when the septic tank backed up.

Of course, the question became: Where is
such clarity, if one cannot say when? A hunter stood
                   in the field
as the day went brown-edged. He walked off
with the beginning rain, his arm crooked at the gun barrel
pointing his way home. A local, uninvolved scene,

and still the feeling stuck with me
that had they cast ballots or thrown dice
to see if Lot's wife lived the result would have been
the same: not the end, necessarily, but the way

a clod crumbles beneath the heel, part of a journey
feet are busied with, that will be undergone.
The rain seemed to whisper, What you needed to know
became a bad debt, in time. Earlier, the goddess of grain

gave a passing look, moving unencumbered through the lea,
which slowly, during the afternoon, changed to a lake of mud.

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